
Development of pediatric cardiology

In 2015 Pediatric cardiology is a very well developed specialty. In the past cardiology as a specialty was limited to the Internists. For centuries pediatric cardiology was developed into a specialty where only trained pediatricians in cardiology took care of Fetuses with congenital heart disease (CHD), neonates and further followed them into adulthood. With excellent care, childrenwith severe life threatening CHD are surviving into adulthood and leading productive lives serving the society as physicians,lawyers, MBAs and many other professions and non-professional activities. In 1938 when Robert Gross ligated a patent ductus, a new era of pediatric cardiology was born. Clinical acumen, understanding of physiology, anatomy, angiographyand development of extracorporeal circulation allowed caring for children with CHD which was previously lethal. A few interested pediatricians taught themselves and finally the subspecialty was born. In 1961 pediatric cardiology became the firstsubspecialty board in the USA. In the past 60 year significant progress has been made in non-invasive imaging e.g. cardiac ultrasound, color-Doppler, MRI, CT scan. Utilization of these modalities has made invasive diagnostic cardiac catheterizationalmost unnecessary. Development of interventional cardiac catheterization has almost replaced cardiac surgery in multiple CHD. For the past 50 year pediatric cardiology was focused on diagnosis, patient care, education and clinical research.However, for the past 10 years basic research discoveries of the cause of the CHD have developed, which will hopefully prevent them from happening in the future. Pediatric cardiology is team work involving cardiologists, anatomists, physiologists, surgeons, intensivists, interventionists and the anesthesiologists – all play very important roles in caring for children withcardiac problem.

Author(s): Brojendra Agarwala

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