Zika in Pregnancy

Sidra Shafique


Sidra Shafique*

Department of Reproduction and Developmental Sciences, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada

*Corresponding Author:
Sidra Shafique
Department of Reproduction and Developmental Sciences
Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Tel: 1-613-533-2727
Fax: 1-613-533-2022
E-mail: s.shafique@queensu.ca

Received date: April 29, 2017; Accepted date: May 11, 2017; Published date: May 18, 2017

Citation: Shafique S (2017) Zika in Pregnancy. Pediatric Infect Dis 2:43. doi: 10.21767/2573-0282.100043

Copyright: © 2017, Shafique S. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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Zika in Pregnancy is special issue of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases: Open Access journal. This issue aims to cover all aspects of the related research to Zika virus in pregnancy. Zika in Pregnancy is a peer-reviewed journal. All the articles are extensively reviewed according to the review policy of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases: Open Access journal. The goal of this special issue is to disseminate current research from the scientific community to the readers from every discipline. The special issue encourages the authors to contribute from all over the world. Zika in pregnancy is planned to up-date the readers about the current level of knowledge about Zika virus in general and specifically with maternal and fetal prospects. Zika in Pregnancy is published in English language and articles in other languages need to be translated with proper editing and should be free of grammatical errors. The special issue of journal aspires to include original research articles, reviews, short communications and case reports.

Journal of Zika in Pregnancy is intended to publish the articles of original unpublished research or reviews related to every aspect of Zika’s impact on pregnancy. This special issue is aimed to encompass the related publications from bench to bedside. Journal aims to include the publications on the basic sciences research. The cutting edge research leading to the better understanding of the effects of Zika virus infection at molecular and tissue levels. Related clinical studies enlightening over the impact of Zika on human pregnancy are welcome. The topic may be related to physical and mental health issues being the outcome of Zika infection in pregnancy. The studies and case reports of adverse pregnancy outcomes, pregnancy loss and growth retardation due to Zika infection may be addressed. The other topics may be tailored towards the prenatal, intranatal and postnatal Zika infection research, its global health effects, focused epidemiological research and the preventive measures to hamper Zika infection after conception. Journal also looks forward to include the research about the postnatal effects on new-born babies, infant growth, achieving milestones and prospective future of affected babies over time.

Zika is an arthropode-borne related to Flavivirus family transmitted by the Anopheles Aegypti mosquito. In spite of a few historical outbreaks, since it was first identified in 1947, its infection was not as damaging as after 2013-2014 French Polynesia outbreaks. Generally, Zika virus infection results in self-limiting rash, unnoticed malaise and mild fever at one end of spectrum while on the other end of spectrum it adversely damages the neurons causing Guillain-Barré syndrome. Zika virus infection may occur at any time during pregnancy and may remain unnoticed until its adverse outcomes. Unlike other Flaviviruses, e.g. Dengue, Zika virus manages to escape the human immune system and successfully cross the placental barrier approaching the fetus. During pregnancy Zika infection may result in deleterious effects ranging from early fetal loss, intrauterine growth retardation and microcephaly [1]. Zika has already caused irreplaceable damaged and is still adversely affecting the future generations. The damaging effects of Zika in pregnancy are not only on physical health but on mental health too. The discussions and research about Zika today is just the tip of iceberg. It is the unfortunate dilemma of today and tomorrow. The burning issue of Zika virus teratogenesis is not expected to be overcome overnight or forgotten after a year or two. Hay wire spread of Zika and resulting microcephaly is the problem that will affect human generations over and over [2]. All those babies born with its teratogenic effects carry this stigma for lifetime and all those mothers will be suffering from serious mental health issues who have to look after them. A Zika virus adverse effect on the women of reproductive age has changed the contraception patterns, travel patterns, and personal relations. The only way to overcome the Zika challenge is the research from bench to bedside at basic sciences as well as clinical level. Research focused on solving the molecular and cellular mysteries and addressing the direct impact of Zika infection prenatal, intranatal and postnatal at clinical level. Zika infection outcomes are global health and social issues. World needs better preventive strategies, effective patient counselling and health planning infrastructures [3]. These are expected to be the outcomes of well-designed epidemiological, social sciences and psychotherapeutic studies. Journal of Zika in Pregnancy, the special issue of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases: Open Access journal aims a legacy to keep the readers updated about current Zika virus research related to all aspects of pregnancy and human life.


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